Thursday, November 10, 2011

I'm 22!

This was the most enjoyable birthday I've had in awhile. I had a whole bunch of love and support and I'd like to thank everyone for coming. The company and the food at Red Lobster was awesome. I had two people offer to give rides, so no one had to ride the metro or take a taxi to the mall.

Although Boudoir was SUPER crowded because of Eid, I still had fun. I still have so many clubs to visit. 

On my actually birthday, the 8th, I went to dinner at Organic Foods & Cafe, with my first Cali friend. I had      pancakes and apple oatmeal (too much carbs I Know). I was tasty. She enjoyed it as well. She's into organic food, which is hard to find here.

Today we are going to Jumeirah Mosque for a class project. For my Islamic Art and Architecture class, we have to visit a mosque, and compare the architectural details to mosques we've studied in class. It's due December 1st, but since I failed the first exam (don’t judge me!), I'm trying to make sure I get an A on this paper by not procrastinating. 

We were going to go to Burj al Arab, but they're a bit pricey. We'll go later if we can get someone else to treat us (I love Dubai).  I hope this mosque is interesting. It's so hard for me to write about a topic that I'm not passionate about.

I was supposed to go to Internet City today to handout my CV, but I haven't finished the necessary research to prepare, so I’ll go Sunday morning. It’s hard to go to sleep early. When I go out at night, even if it’s just to JBR, I’ll get in at 1 or 2 am.

My goal is to have an interview by the end of next week. I will be visiting a lot of places, and my 1st Cali friend has arranged for us to have a meeting with the CEO of Bayt, so I feel like my chances are high.  39 days to find a job (I counted wrong earlier)!

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