Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I’m Still in Dubai!

I was hoping to put the picture taken of us with President Clinton up on this post, but I still haven’t received it L. Since I was leaving on the 19th, this post was supposed to be about how Dubai is a place where you will always say goodbye to good friends. Instead, this post will be about how I missed my flight on the 19th, and will instead be leaving on the 24th.

First of all, let me start off by saying that I had a blast last weekend! Thursday I took my last two exams, and I was ready to celebrate. We went to Barasti, and decided to visit Sublime for the first time. Sublime was awesome. Why didn’t we go there before?!

The next two days, I took it easy. I chilled with some friends before leaving, and made sure I didn’t go out Saturday night since I had an interview on Sunday. Did it occur to me that I shouldn’t have made that interview on the same day that I was leaving? Yes it did, but I had an exam every day that week, spent one night visiting President Clinton, and also had another interview that I had squeeze in on Thursday evening. So basically, the only day that was feasible for me to interview was Sunday.

On the bright side, the interview went well. I just didn’t prepare for my departure like I should have. This is my first time flying out of the country, and flying can be confusing. When I left Cincinnati for Dubai, I had maps printed out of Dulles airport and Dubai airport. I checked my ticket and the maps a thousand times, to make sure that I’d be at the right place at the right time.

This time was a different story. I was running around all day interviewing, getting souvenirs, and etc. I didn’t finish packing until around 9pm, and I didn’t look at my ticket until I got into the taxi. Then I left for the airport at 10:30, because my farewell took longer than expected. It’s so hard to say goodbye L. My flight was at 12:50 am and by the time I got to the front of THE WRONG LINE the gate was closed.

Needless to say, I have learned my lesson, and I will never ever ever miss a plane again. I’m glad I got to stay though….

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